There are 3 elements to a website. The domain (example., the hosting (the server that hosts the code for your website) and the code (the actual bits that make up your website). In this post, I will cover each of these.
Category: Technology

Let’s talk, for just a moment, about passwords. We all have them. We all use them. But how to do we keep them secure? And

Let’s say you have a website that you host on servers in your company’s datacenter or even hosted in a cloud provider like Azure, Rackspace

We live in a world where everything is digital. 2FA is the single best method you have to prevent your data from being stolen. And it’s not as hard to do as you think.

Nobody likes all those intrusive ads everywhere. There are lots of really good ad blocking extensions for your favorite browser, but what about all those

Maybe you’re debating on local disk vs. SAN. Or maybe you’ve already decided on SAN but are looking at traditional spinning disk vs. hybrid vs. all flash. But which choice should you make?